The Bow and Barrel Sportsmen Center recently hosted an NRA 2A Day that allowed the community to get the answers they needed to protect their Second Amendment rights in Missouri. During this flagship NRA-ILA Grassroots Event, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Missouri Field Coordinator was able to speak with many NRA members, supporters, and CCW students at the range, as well as with many members of our United States Army about the work the NRA is doing in the Show Me State. A huge thank you to the team at The Bow and Barrel Sportsmen Center, St. Robert’s premier gun store that offers the community a state-of-the-art indoor range, an outdoor archery range, a service center, a restaurant, and firearm training courses. The NRA-ILA is immensely grateful to have businesses like this with us in the fight to promote and protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners throughout the great state of Missouri.
A strong membership base helps NRA defend your Second Amendment rights and your business. The NRA Second Amendment Activist Center Program provides recognition and support to businesses who support NRA by boosting awareness of the Second Amendment.